Stories Tagged: Conservative Party

Labour's Battle with Buyout Barons: A Retreat on the Horizon

Labour's battle with buyout barons may end in retreat. Jonathan Reynolds, Shadow Business... (2 revisions)

UK Government Intensifies Crackdown on Benefit Fraud with New Seizure Powers

The UK government is intensifying its efforts to combat benefit fraud with new legislation that... (17 revisions)

Is the UK's Climate Consensus Unraveling?

The political landscape in the UK regarding climate policy is showing signs of significant... (17 revisions)

Kemi Badenoch's Unfunded Pledges and Their Impact on NHS Funding

Kemi Badenoch, the leader of the Conservative Party, has recently come under fire for making... (18 revisions)

Rupert Murdoch's Sunday Times Endorses Labour in UK General Election

The UK general election continues to be a topic of discussion as new endorsements emerge. In a... (32 revisions)